If you would like to know more about my professional and personal background, please check it out
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Plaxo and Linkedin
Plaxo and Linkedin are two websites where you can post your professional profiles. I was surprised to see how many friends, family members, and acquaintances were already members of this site. It is a great way to check on someones professional history and status quickly without waiting around for a resume to arrive or getting the person on the phone. I had an easier time setting up my Plaxo account and suggest using it.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
LibraryThaaang is actually pretty cool. I added 6 books to my library profile (The Great Gatsby, Slaughter House Five, Catcher in the Rye, The Fountainhead, The Da Vinci Code, and Fab Five). I like how I can see who else recently added the same books and who else has similar libraries. It also recommends books.

Image Generator
There are various types of image generators at Some are easy to use and rather simple while others are more difficult and more detailed. You could create movie posters, mosaics, puzzles, and motivation posters with you images and personal text. I chose a very simple one where it where it appears a bunch a polaroids are pinned up in a random cluster creating an image of me playing the guitar in the living room. A fun experience.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I got a lot of great information on the FitCast podcast. I posted the RSS feed to my Google Reader. The two djs covers a lot of things like dieting, alternative exercising, exercise science, and even movies. There are some podcasts that are not so braod, but I enjoyed this one. There are endless options of podcasts in the directories. These directories help organize them, but you still have to search around for the quality one or the ones that might appeal to your personality.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Just for laughs...
I have a new found respect for gymnastics since working at Sacramento State, but this is just funny
You Tube can be used for many things. My brother uses it to watch people prepare food, my friend uses it to watch concert footage, and a coworker watches it to see the humorous TV commercials. While I was exploring YouTube I remember that I used it when I was teaching English to high school students. I would use it so they could hear poems being read by the author. Coaches and physical education teachers can use it to show demonstrations.
This is a YouTube piece of an event that I planned at Sacramento State
This is a YouTube piece of an event that I planned at Sacramento State

Technorati is a tool to search tags in the blogosphere. This can be helpful because there are so many blogs, with more and more popping up as I write this. I was not too impressed with Technorati at first. It is interesting to see the different blogs that pop up when you type in "kinesiology" using the different search features. The results are slightly different when searching in Blog Posts, in tags, and in Blog Directory. I like the related tag window.
Another picture of something is another website I knew nothing about. I am actually not a big fan of bookmarking or tagging, but I can see how this can be helpful, especially in the long term. There are so many sights out there that can be forgotten, using is a good way to store and organize websites in a place where you know you can find them. Tagging help categorize all these websites. As an instructor, you can use this to seperate sites about different subjects, topics, and units. Maybe you find a bunch of Edgar Allen Poe sites for your English lesson one year, but decide not to teach him the next. If you tagged him with "horror", or "american authors", you will find a ton of resources on him in the click of a button. I like how it can be assessed from anywhere, so you are not a slave to your computer.
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